General ISA meeting
The next General Meeting of the Members of the International Sauna Association is together with the XVII Sauna Congress in Sweden , on Thursday 7th of June 2018 starting at 17.00, will be held at Haparanda Stadshotell
A little history of the International Sauna Association (ISA)
International Sauna Association is a federation of national and sauna associations and affiliated organizations and individuals. It was founded for the first time in 1958 with headquarters in Germany, but the real business started in the summer of 1977 in Helsinki. It was then decided that the domicile of the association will be Helsinki. From the founding members Austria, Germany, Japan and Finland remained members and is also known as founding members. In addition they are now 13 other members.
Board members 2014 - 2018
Risto Elomaa President Finland
Peter Jeitler Vice-president Austria
Rolf-A. Pieper Member Germany
Kenichi Nakano Member Japan
Kim P. Pedersen Member Denmark
Rimas Kavaliauskas Member Lithuania
Carsten Sonnenberg Member Germany
Kari Laukkarinen Member Finland
Piotr Koper Member Poland
If you are a member of your local sauna association, eg (Swedish Sauna Academy) then you are automatically a member of the ISA.