Here you can read a Congress summary made by Hanna Hägglund.
XVII International Sauna Congress 2018
Dear Sauna friends
The XVII International Sauna Congress will be held in the north of Sweden,in the twin cities of Haparanda and Tornio on the border between Sweden and Finland June 7th to June 10th, 2018. Part of the the venue will be at Kukkolaforsen Tourism & Conference. The meeting starts with a welcome reception in the evening June 7th. The congress will be organized by the Swedish Sauna Academy and is open for all interested in sauna bathing, it will be a mixture of scientific presentations, workshops, sauna bathing, food, music, excursions and many more activities. There are 3 areas that will be covered at the presentations and workshops; Health science, History and Culture, and Technology and Design.
Göran Honkamaa, Chairman
Svante Spolander
Hans Hägglund
Roger Häggström
Mats Winsa
Risto Elomaa
Welcome from the Chairman
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Congress participants.
It is a great honor for the Swedish Sauna Academy to arrange the XVII International Sauna Congress in Sweden.We will do our very best to spread a good sauna culture in the spirit of ISA, and to make sure that you enjoy the land of the midnight sun.
The congress will be held at the Torne river, which also is the border between Sweden and Finland, a border originating from more than 200 years ago. The sauna culture in Swedish Tornedalen has a lot in common with the Finnish sauna culture, since both sides of the river earlier belonged to the same country, Sweden. Torne river was an important link between the villages on the east and west side of the river. People on both sides more or less speak the same language and our culture and history are to a large extent the same. This also makes it natural to designate Kukkolaforsen the Centre of Swedish sauna culture.
Kukkolaforsen as well as the two twin cities, Haparanda and Tornio, are places where you will spend time during the congress. Lectures and workshops will be held in Park Hotel, Tornio. The Come together gathering will be held in Lappari, Tornio. The Sauna barbeque, Friday evening and the Farewell dinner, Saturday evening will take place in Kukkolaforsen. You will be able to try out some of Kukkolaforsen 15 saunas and take a swim under the midnight sun in the clean and beautiful Torneriver.
The Swedish Sauna Academy was founded in 1988 in a sauna in Jukkasjärvi, a village that is world famous for its´ Ice Hotel. Our mission is to spread a healthy sauna culture. We proudly note that our 30:th anniversary coincides with ISA´s 60:th anniversary, as well as our arrangement of the XVII International Sauna Congress.
We are grateful for the large extent of abstracts we have received prior to the congress and that can be found in the program. We will focus on three areas during lectures and workshops:
- Sauna and Health
- History and Culture
- Technology, Design and Architecture
We hope that the congress will provide you with new knowledge around sauna culture,to be used and spread.
Be warmly welcome and enjoy the congress.
One sauna a day keeps the doctor away.
Göran Honkamaa
President of Swedish Sauna Academy
If you have any questions, just email to
The registration to the Congress is now closed.
Closed at May 15th
Now the program is final!
Please note that all times are Swedish time.
if you are in Finland, the time is + 1 hour
Registration and Get together in Lappari, Tornio
Thursday June 7th.
14.00-15.00 Swedish Sauna Academy, board meeting, Stadshotellet, Haparanda
15.00-16.00 Swedish Sauna Academy, member meeting, Stadshotellet, Haparanda
16.00-17.00 ISA, board meeting. Stadshotellet, Haparanda
17.00-18.00 ISA, member meeting. Stadshotellet, Haparanda
18.00-19.00 Registration Lappari, Tornio
19.00-22.00 "Get together" Lappari, Restaurant, Moderator Lena Callne
After ”Get together a shuttle buss will be available for the guests staying at Stadshotellet and in Kukkolaforsen.
Mobile Sauna and mobile sauna exhibition at Kukkolaforsen all the time.
All seminars and workgroups will be held at Park Hotel in Tornio
Friday June 8th.
08.30-09.30 Registration, Park Hotel, Tornio
09.30-09.45 Opening ceremony. Park Hotel, Tornio
Welcome speech by Sweden's Göran Honkamaa, Risto Elomaa
and Ida Karkiainen member of Parliament
and Sven-Erik Bucht Minister for rural Affairs.
Presentation of seminars and programs.
Chair: Göran Honkamaa
09.45-10.00 The Swedish Sauna Academy, Göran Honkamaa
10.00-10.15 Arctic Bath Harads, AnnKathrin Lundqvist.
10.15-10.30 Coffee
Seminar 1, Sauna and Health. (10 min presentation + 5 min discussion)
Moderators Hans Hägglund, Swe and Jari Laukkanen, Fin
10.30-10.45 Sauna and health - What have we learn the last 60 years? Lasse Viinikka, Fin
10.45-11.00 Sauna bathing and cardiovascular health. Jari Laukkanen, Fin
11.00-11.15 Effect of sauna bath on heart failure. Miikka Källström, Swe
11.15-11.30 The Health Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing. Joy Hussain, Aus
11.30-11.45 The Heat Prescription: Sauna as a Treatment Modality. Mark Timmerman M.D, USA
11.45-12.00 Short-term effect of sauna on gene expression. Frederik Otzen Bagger, Den
12.00-13.00 Lunch (Photo and Movie). Jūratė Paškevičienė, Lithuania,
Kenneth Mikko, Sweden.
Seminar 2, History and Culture. (10 min presentation + 5 min discussion)
Moderators Hans Hägglund, Swe and Jack Tsonis, Australia.
13.00-13.30 Mikkel Aaland – State of the art.
13.30-13.45 Sauna and Kallbadhus, Jesce Walz, USA.
13.45-14.00 Shinrin yoku (forest bathing) and sauna. Miki Tokairin, Jap.
14.00-14.15 Communicating with ancestors: a vanishing practice in the smoke sauna in
Võrumaa Estonia. Eda Veeroja, Est.
14.15-14.30 Roles of bath master in modern time Lithuanian bath. Birutė Masiliauskienė, Lth.
14.30-15.00 Coffee
Seminar 3, Technology, Design and Architecture. (15 min presentation)
Moderators Mats Winsa, Swe and Markku Seppänen, Fin
15.00-15.15 Tylö-Helo 100 years. Tomas Hjälmeby, Swe
15.15-15.30 A novel concept to study sauna stoves. Valtteri Nieminen, Fin
15.30-15.45 Contemporary sauna architecture. Lauri Louekari, Fin
15.45-16.00 Second coming of steam: the new sauna movement in the UK. Mika Meskanen, UK.
16.00-16.15 MEÄN SAUNA - Inventory of old smoke saunas in the Swedish Torne river valley using laser scanning and photogrammetry. Sara Porzilli, Italy and Markku Seppänen, Fin
16.15-16.30 Landscapes of Ritual and Health. Jesce Walz, USA
16.30-17.00 Panel discussion Technology and architecture (Design vs function?)
17.00 Sv.time - Seminar closed
After Seminar 3 a shuttle buss will be available for the guests staying at Stadshotellet and in Kukkolaforsen.
19.00 Kukkolaforsen Swedish Sauna Academy celebrating 30 years (Svante)
Sauna Barbeque evening
All seminars and workgroups will be held at Park Hotel in Tornio
Saturday June 9th. Workshops
Health & Science (Health) ,History & Culture (H & C) ,Technology & Design (T & D)
Room 1, Host: Hans H | Room 2, Host: Ulf S | Room 3, Host: Lena C | |
09.00-09-25 | WS 1 | WS 2 | WS 3 |
09.30-09.55 | WS 4 | WS 5 | WS 6 |
10.00-10.30 | Coffee | ||
10.30-10.55 | WS 7 | WS 8 | WS 9 |
11.00-11.25 | WS 10 | WS 11 | WS 12 |
Workshop 1-12
WS 1 Design of the Finnish Sauna:Five Mysteries for Future Research,
Lassi Likkanen, Fin. Finland is country known for its high‐tech engineering products, quality of education and saunas. In the past 40 years, more saunas have been built than ever before.
WS 2 Building a mobile smoke sauna Michael B Jensen, Den
We show the history of buying a used trailer and rebu ilding it to a 12 persons sauna trailer despite the fact, that it showed up to be totally rotten and full of mold.
WS 3 “Sauna as Subversion". Sofia Eriksson, Aus
Sauna bathing is generally thought of as a technology of relaxation and invigoration, and in terms of its potential in facilitating good psychological as well as physical health.
WS 4 Discussion on standards for a sauna lab (health studies) Hägglund, Laukkannen and
Jarkko Tissari, Swe and Fin
WS 5 The truth behind the sauna mystique. Ulf Salomonsson Swe
WS 6 Sauna as part of a radical inclusion and as a place for connect. Saara Louhensalo, Fin.
Why is sauna so great place to connect with people different than you?
Why sauna is great place for new ideas and good decisions?
Why sauna works? What is Sompasauna?
WS 7 Russia Banya in youth culture. Anna Artemieva, Rus
Banya nowadays in Russia, which period banya goes trough now, how young people think about banya and why they afraid of it.
WS 8 Sauna bathing habits in Finland, Lassi A Likkanen, Fin
WS 9 Whisking in SPA: to be or not to be? And Whisks in Lithuanian bath: plan, types, conservation,
Birutė Masiliauskienė, Ltu
WS 10 Sauna Culture in Japan, Katsuki Tanaka, Jap (Translation Mr. Kim)
How Japanese people enjoy the Sauna culture and sauna itself.
Recent active sauna movement through the culture and events.
WS 11 The smoke sauna RT-card, a guide for design and construction of traditional smoke saunas in accordance with Finnish tradition. Risto Elomaa and Markku Seppänen (Fin)
WS 12 Bodies of Water - Approaches to Gender in Sauna and Bath. Jesce Walz (USA) .
How do sauna and bathing spaces “open, close, or shift” in response to gender?
11.30-12.30 Lunch. Phot0 and Films, Jūratė Paškevičienė, Ltu & Kenneth Mikko, Swe.
12.30-12-45 Sweat the Aaland project, Mikkel Aaland, USA.
12.45-13.00 INTERBAD. Joachim Sautier and Kaja Hoppe.
13.00-13.15 The International Journal of Sauna Studies and terminology in sauna. Jack Tsonis, Aus.
Sauna is well known around the world.
13.15-13.45 Conclusion of the Congress, Göran Honkamaa, Hans Hägglund and Risto Elomaa.
13.45-15.30 IJSS meeting.
14.00-18.00 Rimas whisking and Russian Banya with Egor at Kukkolaforsen.
After closing remarks and the IJSS meeting a shuttle bus will be available for the guests staying at Stadshotellet and in Kukkolaforsen.
19.00- Farewell dinner ISA 60 years celebration, Kukkolaforsen, Moderator, Lena Callne
Delegates of the Mobile Sauna Meet will be awarded a diploma.
Midnight sun sauna , all saunas open until morning.
After Farewell dinner a shuttle bus will be available for the guests staying at Stadshotellet and Park Hotel.
Mobile Sauna and mobile sauna exhibition at Kukkolaforsen all the time.
Sauna for everyone, everywhere (Per Dahlström, Sweden)
Excursions will be available upon individual and group registration. Information will be send immediately to all registered participants of the Congress.
A little history of the International Sauna Association (ISA)
International Sauna Association is a federation of national and sauna associations and affiliated organizations and individuals. It was founded for the first time in 1958 with headquarters in Germany, but the real business started in the summer of 1977 in Helsinki. It was then decided that the domicile of the association will be Helsinki. From the founding members Austria, Germany, Japan and Finland remained members and is also known as founding members. In addition they are now 13 other members.
Board members 2014 - 2018
Risto Elomaa President Finland
Peter Jeitler Vice-president Austria
Rolf-A. Pieper Member Germany
Kenichi Nakano Member Japan
Kim P. Pedersen Member Denmark
Rimas Kavaliauskas Member Lithuania
Carsten Sonnenberg Member Germany
Kari Laukkarinen Member Finland
Piotr Koper Member Poland
If you are a member of your local sauna association, eg (Swedish Sauna Academy) then you are automatically a member of the ISA.

The registration to the Congress is now closed.
Closed at May 15th
The Congress fee is 2400 SEK or 250 Euro.
The Congress fee includes admission to all seminars and workshops.
Coffee and lunch on Friday 8th June and Saturday 9th June.
Get together Evening on Thursday 7th June.
Sauna Barbecue Evening on Friday 8th.
Farewell Dinner with Midnight Sun Sauna on Saturday 9th.
Mobile Sauna meeting Friday to Sunday.
And all transports are included and vill be arranged between Kukkolaforsen, Haparanda and Torneå.
Payment instruction
Foreign Payment to Bank,
IBAN: SE9180000000079811366748.
Svenska Bastuakademien
The congress fee is 250 Euro/person or 2400 SEK (Swedish kronor)/person
The accommodation shall be paid separately to the facility.
Swedish payment:
Betalas till BG: 5215-4754
Payment information will also be sent after registration.
The registration to the Congress is now closed.
Closed at May 15th
Accommodation is NOT included.
The excursions and other activities such as river rafting and fishing are also not included and each activity will be charged separately.
Registration for the sauna congress will be open from March 26th – to May 15th.
Note! Accommodation has to be booked separately by the participants.
And you can read new Newsletters every month that the Swedish Sauna Academy has begun writing all the way to the great XVII International Sauna Congress 2018 which will take place in Haparanda/Torneå between June 7th to June 10th, 2018. Read more here.